Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Magnet

I have decided to use my blog to showcase some of my favorite jewelry designs.  Some of my jewelry designs have a story behind them, others, I am just inspired by various things or people and I will share that here.

Today's showcased piece is my Pink Ribbon Awareness Magnet pictured above.  To purchase, click the link below.

I put a lot of thought, planning and time into my Breast Cancer Awareness jewelry designs. I was inspired to design these pieces after my aunt was diagnosed with Breast Cancer a few years back. When I first found out she had cancer I was in a panic but after talking to her and listening to her goals, my panic eased. My aunt had nothing but a positive attitude about her battle and she kept telling me, "I am going to fight and I am going to win!" She did just that! She scheduled her surgery right away. They removed the cancerous breast, beyond that I am not sure what else they did during surgery. I was there when she came out of surgery, was the first person in to visit her. I was not sure what I was walking into but I am so glad I was there for her. She looked so frail but she still had that determination she had before her surgery. I helped her with sips of water, tried to make her comfortable and just sat there with her so she was not alone. I went back the next day and it was like weeks had passed, she looked so much better the next day! She asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with her, I jumped at that chance. Let her set her own pace, I grabbed her IV pole and wheeled that along with us and I took her arm and we just walked. I lost count but we walked up and down that hall several times.

She underwent her chemo treatments, did everything she was supposed to do. She did end up loosing some weight, I am not sure about her hair but knowing her that is something she would have considered trivial and would have dealt with it.

I am happy to say my aunt is one of the survivors! It's been six or seven years now and she remains cancer free. I am so thankful to her doctors and surgeons, thankful that my aunt goes in for her yearly checkups and this was noticed to quickly! There is HOPE! I am praying that there will be a cure for Breast Cancer within my lifetime.

Last year during the month of October, I ran a special on my web site. I was donating $1.00 from every Breast Cancer Awareness piece I sold on my web site. When I was done, I had collected nearly $20.00 and all of that I donated online to the Breast Cancer foundation.  I am hoping to do this again in October of this year and would love to go over that amount!

To all those who are currently fighting Breast Cancer, don't give up! Stay positive, surround yourself with positive people and know that there are people like myself who think about all the fighters daily!

To all those who are survivors, I am so happy for you! Help get the word out, share your stories, be the voice of Breast Cancer survivors.

HOPE for a cure!
Tammy Olmsted

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